This is the page to check often for the latest Florida photos. These photos will be of anything and everything, as long as it is in Florida.
Summer Flower |
Tree Frog On Saw Palmetto |
Saw Palmetto At The End Of Life |
This shot was taken just after sunrise in deep woods - very low contrast lighting conditions. Equipment was a Holga 60mm f8 plastic lens mounted on a Canon Rebel XSi body and Sunpak tripod.
Rain On Pond |
Shelf Mushroom |
Banded Water Snake |
Wood Mushrooms On Downed Tree |
Florida Cottontail Rabbit |
Shelf Mushrooms On Dead Tree |
Cinnamon Sticks |
Beach Shower |
Fresh baby carrots fresh from the backyard garden |
No Swimming |
Reaching for the Sky |
Experiment with Lensbaby "Composer" and Canon 50mm f1.8 |
Approaching Storm |
Gulls on the Beach |
Pickerel Weed Blossoms |
Foggy Canal Trail |
Yellow Crowned Night Heron Chicks In Nest |
Trecce dell orto all-natural vegetable pasta |
Brown Lizard |
Limpkin Chicks |
"Hunter" - Canon digital Rebel XSi, Canon 55-250mm IS lens at 250mm, Sunpak PRO723P carbon fiber tripod w/Bogen/Manfrotto 3055 heavy duty ball head, 1 1/2 second at f/16, ISO 400, RAW, IS and autofocus turned off.
"Crossing over" - Motorola Droid camera/phone, Retro Camera app, handheld
"Foggy morning tree" - Canon digital Rebel XSi, Canon 55-250mm IS lens at 250mm, Sunpack PRO723P carbon tripod with Bogen/Manfrotto 3055 heavy-duty ball head, 1/180 second at f11, anti-shake and auto-focus off.
"Yellow crowned night heron"-Canon digital Rebel XSi, Canon 55-250mm IS lens at 250mm, hand-held with IS on, 1/8-second at f/5.6, ISO400, RAW, solidly braced against a tree in "burst" mode
"Flowering Vine"- Canon Rebel XSi, Canon 55-250mm IS lens at 154mm, Sunpak PRO723P carbon tripod with Bogen/Manfrotto 3055 heavy-duty ball head, 0.5 seconds at f/22, ISO 200, RAW. Back-lit by the rising sun filtered through trees and shot using the 2-second timer. Image stabilization and auto-focus were turned off and magnified "live view" on the camera back LCD used for focus.
"Beach Art" - Sony A700, Minolta 17-35mm lens at 17mm, 1/125 second at f/16, ISO 100, RAW. This shot was taken mid-morning in April in Honeymoon Island State Park, Dunedin, Florida. It was the day after a storm an the usual flotsam had washed up on the beach. Someone stood up these two pieces and they caught my eye. Manual focus, no tripod, anti-shake on.
"White-tailed deer" - Canon Digital Rebel XSi, Canon 55-250 IS lens at 250mm, Sunpack PRO723P carbo tripod, Bogen/Manfrotto 3055 heavy-duty ball head, 0.5 seconds at f/5.6, ISO 400, RAW. This photo was taken just before sunrise in John Chestnut Park on the shores of Tarpon Lake in Tarpon Springs, Florida.
"Orchid" - Canon Digital Rebel XSi, Canon 55-250 IS lens at 84mm, Kenko 36mm extension tube, Sunpack PRO723P carbon tripod, Bogen/Manfrotto 3055 heavy-duty ball head, 0.3 seconds at f/22, ISO 200, RAW. This is a table-top still life by mid-day window light. Auto-focus and image-stabilization turned off on the lens. Focus was set on the central stamen using magnified "live view" on the camera-back LCD display. Shutter was tripped using 2-second time delay.